1. FrederikVIII
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    Try making Reverend Swanson look likea gentleman l've tried tried turning him into that but can you make a mod that allows you to have him look like that all the time with different outfits
  2. RickyJoee
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    Hey first of all this is an amazing mod, thanks for the effort u put in to this.So apparently this mod cause crashing when entering saint denis, idk if this is an issue on my end but just letting it out there.I hope this can be looked at and be fixed.
    1. SirJosephWindsor
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      • 56 kudos
      I just spawned in saint denis and had no issues with the mod running, so it might be on your end sir
    2. RickyJoee
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      I see, well im using dx12 bcz of issue with vulkan on my end that has insane pop ins and stuff. Any chance u'll compress the textures of this mod cuz i really like it and it brings new scenery with all the characters that it adds. Thanks in advance sir!
    3. Sonnybhoy67d
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      I dont think dx12 works with some mods, it could be because of that
  3. RickyJoee
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  4. Dawnstar95
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    i just noticed about the recent update, for some odd reason Bill Williamson's beard vanishes and in some outfits of his hat kinda looks like its made out of his beard hair lol, so if you could see if you can fix this please.
    1. SirJosephWindsor
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      Thank you the issue has been fixed!
  5. NIVR3HS
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    hello sir , it is masterpiece , thanks for your attempt
    is it possible for you to help us know  how to make these mods ? like these models and add a model from another game?
    i would be appreciate if you reply.
  6. Dawnstar95
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    somebody may already pointed this out already but the Mayor Nicholas Timmins (President Theodore Roosevelt) is invisible when i approach his encounter, when i try to spawn him through Rampage trainer he shows up perfectly fine without any issues but for some reason for that encounter he's invisible and is just floating newspaper with people hanging around. So if you could please look at it, dear sir.
    1. SirJosephWindsor
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      The issue is now fixed!
    2. Dawnstar95
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      Thank you so much, sir! keep up the good work on this project of yours!

      Edit: i also wonder if you could make a option to replace Captain Monroe with Theodore Roosevelt like Nicholas Timmins, since i remember before Roosevelt used to replace Captain Monroe but now it replaces Douglas MacArthur so if you could make it a option, maybe in the version 2 character, so i could replace Captain Monroe with Theodore Roosevelt instead of Douglas MacArthur again. specially since you now remastered him and i personally love to see him more in the story with his new look.
  7. RioRoar
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    this is one of my favorite mods out there. but i would have liked it much better if there was a way to fix a quickdraw issue i have with rampage trainer. If i play as a female model everything works just fine but male models cant quick draw for some reason. they get this npc dutch like aim but much slower and it takes like one second for it to even start aiming. Short said. How do i get male models to have normal animations especially quickdraw. Hope it makes sense and i dont even know if there is a solution.
    1. RioRoar
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      nvm i had some more metapeds files so i removed them it all works fine now. 
  8. Abby092
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    How do you do this? Is there a tutorial somewhere? I want to make my own custom PED
  9. FrostyKiwi
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    i can only get this mod to work by putting all the ymt files into the stream folder is this normal?
    1. SirJosephWindsor
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      You probably didnt install it correctly
    2. FrostyKiwi
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      its all in the lml and i have other mods installed this is the only way i can get it to work and the only mod this is causing it 
  10. voliti6664
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    some npc like valantine sherif and slim grant's texture are twitching out and head is not aligned with the body
    1. SirJosephWindsor
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      • 56 kudos
      Metapeds.ymt conflict, you have another mod thats using it aswell
    2. voliti6664
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thanks for the reply
      yeah i deleted it and  the npc is fine now