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Flykes SgtJoe Notbakou

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About this mod

This mod adds Flykes' Model of a TTI Combat Master 2011, as seen in John Wick 3, to Rdr2.

Permissions and credits
A mod adding a Taran Tactical Innovations Combat Master 2011, aka John Wick's Pistol in the third installement to the series, to rdr2. This mod is not compatible with my 1911 mod nor with my Pit Viper mod. The gun replaces the M1899. If you still see the 1899 ingame press tab. The gun is not customizable at all. Use Vulkan otherwise the game will crash once the gun shows up

Features :
-Compatible with dual wield
-(mostly) Accurate animations (thanks to SgtJoe)
-Adds the 2011 Combat Master by replacing the 1899
-Compatible with lml <11
-Custom Weapon stats (if you have WHM's 1899 firearms)
-Accurate 21 rounds mag capacity

All credits for the model and textures go to Flykes, all the credits for the script go to SgtJoe, all the credit for putting the mod together and doing the annoying part goes to me.

I know that I used the genitive wrong, it should be Flykes's but idc this looks better

Pics by Rdr.Outlaw, Branjer and D3acon

BTW: My pal André's hometown got hit by a flood and he lost his pc, his bass and a bunch of his personal items. He made a gogetfunding page for his pc so if you have some bucks to spare head there and donate please : André's funding page