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About this mod

This mod transforms Arthur Morgan into a grittier version of himself and retextures his Gunslinger outfit along with a few other additions

Permissions and credits
Rugged Arthur


-Adds scars to Arthur's face (affecting all textures, including sick and Guarma) also changed his eye color to brown and I edited his underweight and overweight models, so they stay consistent with vanilla models.

-Retextures his Gunslinger outfit with a darker, dirtier look and includes a brand-new hat model and textures

-The body model's been updated too, adding a bullet scar and more defined abs

-Includes a new level 6 beard; his hair and beard are now grey/greying


Anything that edits Arthur's model or textures (including Gunslinger outfit textures) will conflict with this mod 


Please read carefully!

  drop the "Arthur Morg" file into your LML folder

For Arthur's Hair and beard color open the "Color" folder open the exes select your shop_items.ymt(If you do not have one, download the optional file I provided and use the shop_items.ymt in there and place it in your Rugged Arthur\Arthur Morg\Shops If you are using Whyems or any other mod that uses shop_items select the shop_items for that mod DO NOT PLACE IT IN THE SHOPS FILE LEAVE IT IN ITS DIRECTORY), and then you are good to go! just make sure to rename the shop_items_modified.ymt back to shop_items.ymt

Big Thanks to Oakous for the continuous help and support, and to LeBakou for the head model and helping me to edit the ydds!!!