File information
Created by
The Dream TeamUploaded by
RichardHertzVirus scan
About this mod
Brings back those classic RDR1 locations and New Austin color scheme. Full list of changes in the description
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations

KristianD3 TuffyTown DustyOatMilk
Redemptify KristianD3 Sir Joseph Windsor
SoggyFry MonsieurGremlin Shimbo
SomeClassyToast SgtJoe Manyou
Rixus Modifiver DavidBuckhorn
RedMaxBR Kermit The Memer
MistaSwede Wocky
NotBakou GoldenPlaysTerraria
Blackjack Colver Voltaire

Ben KristianD3 Dexyfex
Kermit The Memer Branjer130 Ktoś
Beutsome Kermit The Memer Tafé
VideoTech WesternGamer Jackie
Modifiver Suika

-Install the required ScriptHook RDR2 and Lenny's Mod Loader
-Delete the old version ENTIRELY if you still have it installed
-Open the -Project New Austin- and/or -Classic Color Scheme- folders, and drag EVERYTHING as is into your main directory, where your RDR2.exe is located.
There are NO extra steps
-If you are already using an Online Content Unlocker such as LITE or OCU, you may delete the "LITE" folder provided with this mod. Although not doing so should not cause any issues.
-All PNA scripts are labeled with an "!" in front of them for easy viewing, any scripts not labeled with an "!" are not a part of this mod.

TuffyTown: Creator of PNA.asi, controlling everything from ped spawns and the new schedule system, to navmesh blockers, snow coverage, and disabling the New Austin sniper for Arthur.
xGremlinxSocksx: Scripting elements such as the Morningstar saloon and New Austin train system. Implementing a fully functional bar to the Morningstar ferry, and a full train system to New Austin with working fast travel points. Also assisting in certain areas with other scripts, general QA, testing and feedback.
DustyOatMilk: Responsible for all the custom generic peds in the game. Creating complete sets of Armadillo Townfolk, Treasure Hunters, Bollard Twins, and the Morningstar Sailors. Has also created particular unique peds, such as the Armadillo Bartender and the Wife of Critchley's Ranch. General metapeds help as well.
Ben: Providing the Tall Trees snow coverage independent from the rest of the map, assisting with miscellaneous texture work in a number of other places as well. General QA, R&D, planning, and feedback.
Kermitdafrog08: Creator of the Morningstar interior Ferry Routes map, also assisting with miscellaneous textures in other areas such as the Morningstar wallpaper, Morningstar Star, McFarlane's Train Station wallpaper, etc. Responsible for the Armadillo map description change, Newspaper edits, and journal sketch implementation. General QA, R&D, planning, research, and feedback.
SoggyFry: Responsible for furnishing elements such as the Ridgewood Farm barn interior seen in the Wagon Fence, the Armadillo Sheriff’s interior, Armadillo Saloon expansion, the restored Armadillo general building exterior, MacFarlane's Foreman's Office and General Store, and other miscellaneous areas. Also responsible for the journal entry sketches for John. Assisted with navmesh blockers, general QA, testing, and feedback.
WesternGamer: Creating and providing RPF support for this mod, allowing us to load custom single player MLO’s, not normally possible with Lenny’s Mod Loader. General QA, testing, and feedback.
Wockenheimer: Creator of the custom timecycle mods used in Classic Color Scheme 2.0 and the Morningstar Interior.
Branjer130: Massively assisted with QA, planning, R&D, testing and feedback from the start. Also created the comparison gifs used on this mod page.
Shimbo: Responsible for many of the unique peds found in certain areas of the map, such as Critchleys Ranch, Cueva Seca, and the Morningstar. Provided a few in-game photos for the Morningstar.
Redemptify: Responsible for filling the Armadillo body pits, testing and feedback, general QA
Beutsome: Artist responsible for the 3 Ferries Painting found in the upper floor of the Morningstar, and the Sir Joseph painting in the main entrance. Responsible for the journal entry sketches for Arthur, which were also used on this mod page.
SgtJoe: Responsible for killing the Armadillo Scripts, preventing the Cholera events from playing. Collaboration on the old Armadillo Bank Vault interior for compatibility with his Bank Robbery mod. Finding the Journal Entry globals, allowing us to make the entries for this mod.
Modifiver: Greatly assisted with R&D for everything from Armadillo, to scenarios and boat spawns. Blessing us with his unmatched knowledge for the game’s file systems.
RedMaxBR: Greatly assisting with the placement of navmesh blockers, specifically around Plainview and Critchley’s Ranch, allowing peds to move freely in new areas.
Rixus: Greatly assisting with navmesh blocker placement in Pike’s Basin and the Morningstar.
VideoTech: Providing files from the Armadillo Restoration project, some of which being textures still used in this mod. General QA, R&D.
NotBakou: LOD work, miscellaneous modeling support. General QA, testing, and feedback.
MistaSwede: Creator of the Morningstar bartender plaque, general modeling support and QA. Creating the devious plan/model for a well-hidden Easter egg.
Sir Joseph Windsor: Creating the Morningstar Bartender custom ped.
GoldenPlaysTerraria: Providing the online models/textures unlocker, allowing us to include a number of MP assets without the need for version.dll/OCU
Bolmin: Creator of the original ped loader and Armadillo bank teller scripts no longer used in the mod. General QA, and for starting this project with me over 3 years ago.
SomeClassyToast: Providing his Hennigan’s Stead Camp.
Manyou: Providing the Scarlett Lady custom ped.
David Buckhorn: Providing the David Buckhorn custom ped.
Suika: Laying the base for the Stillwater Creek camp, testing and feedback.
Jackie: Providing her sketches for use as ambient props in Plainview.
Dexyfex: Creator of Codex and general support
Ktoś: Creator of the AMV Tools and general support, providing extra tools for exterior AMV creation
Tafé - General MLO support, providing the templates used to create the ones in this mod