About this mod
Oculus Touch Button Prompts and Controller Overlay for RE2VR. Buttons upscaled to 4K.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
This mod updates Resident Evil 2 with appropriate button prompts that match Oculus Touch controllers for VR players. The Control Settings menu has also been updated to match the new Resident Evil 2 VR control scheme (Please reference "Type A" on the Control Settings screen to view proper controls for VR). These layouts should work with other VR controllers such as Index and WMR controllers.
Buttons have also been upscaled to 4K. Floating UI buttons now look much cleaner up close in VR.
Install as a regular mod using Fluffy Manager 5000.
I have also included a standalone version of the mod under Optional Files which does not require Fluffy Manager. To use this version:
1. Download the .rar file and extract the included .pak file to your RE2 installation folder.
2. Rename the file by changing 0XX to a number which is one digit greater than the *.patch_0##.pak files in your folder. (You would typically rename this to 're_chunk_000.pak.patch_009.pak' but if you are using any of my other standalone RE2 mods, you might need to use 010 or 011.)
My other RE2R mods and RE3R mods.