Classic Jill Start of the game

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A customized model for the beginning of the game, which allows the zombie transformation to continue being loaded, it makes sense that when you wake up you do not appear with pants. I will use it for my Classic Jill Definitive Costume mod update, but possibly release it separately as well.


  1. maricosoy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    ok gods
  2. Madenn
    • member
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    She dreaming and in real life she have a pant, have sence.
  3. wgscapiroto666
    • member
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    O mais belo até agora
  4. FoxHound157006
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    Does it have a release date?
  5. huhaoyuan5
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    I want this one please~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  6. Phillips44
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    when will this mod be released?
  7. lo0u
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    Well, it does make sense she's wearing full clothes, since she wasn't sleeping on her bed like in the dream sequence. In the vanilla outfit she doesn't even have equipment on. But this is alright. It'd be nice if you could do the panties see through.
    1. JackWall
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      That screenshot is from the dream sequence, that's the point
    2. AvaDyskrasia
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      Yeah, would be fun if in the dream sequence she was just wearing panties and in awake sequence panties and tanktop. I mean, I could see Jill sit in just her panties and tanktop at her desk, working till she fell asleep. I mean, if anything, she would be naked in the dream sequence, as she feels powerless against the zombie virus and most people imagine themselves naked as well. :P
  8. AvaDyskrasia
    • member
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    Oh, yess! I can't hardly wait for this one. :D Hopefully you can make one with a shorter tanktop and a topless one as well that and a holsered option so ther are no flying stuff hanging from her hip. THank you for this!! :D

    Which would be the most perfect is if her skin gets damaged still on the way for full immesion. But that would probably take a lot of retexturing the naked arms and legs. Could probably pull some from the classic outfit gut the upper thighs would have to be redone then.
  9. KPOPLover5631
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    Oh my god can't wait for this mod :)
  10. JackWall
    • premium
    • 30 kudos
    Yep, I was also very weired out by JIll wearing pants and shoes while sleeping in a game with gore and violence everywhere. Ah, puritanism...
    1. lo0u
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