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About this mod

Improved, more determined and age appropriate version of the original face.

Permissions and credits
THE main idea was to preserve max fidelity of the originally scanned model, while making all necessery changes.

Chubby Baby-face Leon - no more!

Whats changed?
- Head mesh (minor tweaks and changes targeted to make face look more "action-like", if you will; main inspirations are leaning to classic RE6 and 3d films look)
- Added stubble (or you could call it "The Beard" if you are feeling generous; yeah, RE4 original didn't had one, but imho the look is too iconic at this point)
- If the default stubble doesn't tickle your fancy, there is options for "No Stubble" or even "Thicker Stubble" or "The Beard" in optional files.
- Changed head texures (whouldn't dare to say that they are "improved", im not the "textures guy", however all textures are tweaked now to accomodate new geometry of head mesh and "beard" to the best of my ability)

Special THANKS goes (in no particular order) to the creators of Noesis, Fluffy Mod Manager, MDF Manager, 010 Editor; to the guys at Modding Haven discord serever, who produce alot of useful tutorials and help solving issues; and to everyone here who contributes with feedback to make mods better!