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Created by

Nicholas Nostradamus

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About this mod

A Reshade preset focusing on accentuating the dark dreary atmosphere of a horror movie. Designed for HDR and the Ray Tracing Version of RE7 alongside the HD mod available on this site. Uses Ambient Light, Ringed DOF and Occlusion and Irradiance to obscure visibility, and a focus on Bloom with eye adaptation.

Permissions and credits
This Reshade is meant for high end users with a newer video card capable of handling HDR, Raytracing, and 4k resolutions at 60+FPS.  So we are talking current gen video cards such as the 3000 GEFORCE Series.   These shaders should only cost you about 10-15 FPS, so that means expect to bea able to run at high settings at 80+ FPS, if you want the best image quality.   Also you should be using the upscaled textures on this website, otherwise the sharpening is not going to look good.