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About this mod

We Care Less About Prisoners... and other stuff

Permissions and credits
Hi, hello there, I'm Lavi.
Are you annoyed because your collonists have mental breakdowns because your prisoner died? I can understand thier feelings...
NOPE!!! I am joking. I don't freaking understand why they care about someone that wanted thier deaths.

So, about the mod. It is simple edit of collonist moods about prisoners
(and guests I guess) and also few other things like bodies lying around,
butchering humanlike and people dying in combat.

Permissions: You can do whatever you want with this.

What this little mod change:
someone was euthanized = 0
someone organ-harvested (died in process) = 0
justified execution of colonist = -1
colonist euthanized = -2
colonist executed = -3
colonist organ-harvested (died in process) = -4
innocent prisoner died = 0
colonist died = -2
a prisoner was sold = -1
someone's organ harvested (guest or prisoner) = 0
colonist's organ harvested = -3
I butchered humanlike (for colonist who did it) = -2
We butchered humanlike (for rest colonists) = -1
observed corpse = 0
observed rotting corpse = 0
witnessed outsider's death = 0
prisoner abandoned to die = 0