About this mod
Adds new types of buildable structures and gives creative way to build bases.
- Permissions and credits
(a very simple base building mod)
- Windows
- Embrasures
- Curtains and window cover
- A new wall
- 3 types of Paintings
- Tables and Chairs
- Barrier
Feel free to upload this anywhere, modify or include this to your mod just please give me a credit.
(Adds beauty, privacy, blocks outside temperature and allows light to pass except sun light)
Short Curtain Curtain

Royal CurtainWindow Cover (Blocks bullets, light and temperatures)

Curtain Holders
Holds curtains on both sides

(Adds beauty, allow shoot through, and allow temperature)

75% Cover effectiveness
(Ugly, used only for defensive purposes, allow shoot through, and allow temperature)

90% Cover effectiveness, Found under Security menu
Hardened Walls
(more durable and take less damage from explosions)

2x more HP than vanilla walls
(New type of wall decorations, Wall mounted Paintings gives beauty or terror to slaves. Found under Misc Menu)

Wide painting gives more beauty than smaller ones

Terror Paintings (gives terror to slaves)

Modular Tables and Chairs (Adopted and fixed)
(The lack of 1x1 tables bugging me since I play Rimworld so I decided to revived this very old mod from beta 0.15)
Modular TableModular Stool (less comfort than stool)

Those raiders keeps hiding behind my embrasures and take advantage of it.

0% cover effectiveness, Prevents someone to take cover behind a structure
Credits: Itchy Flea for Modular Tables mod for Rimworld beta 0.15