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Rosy's Reshade for Rome Remastered
this game is green! greeeen!!!!
Rome Total War Alexander Kosak4 Multiplayer Improovments MOD
The essence: The Historical Maps become available in the mods of Custom and Online Battles, in the mods, earlier hidden factions and units become available.La esencia: Ahora, Los Mapas Históricos están disponibles en los modos de Las Batallas Personalizadas y En Línea (OnLine), en los modos, las facciones que eran ocultas, ahora están dis
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Rome Total War Alexander Kosak4 Multiplayer Improovments MOD
The essence: The Historical Maps become available in the mods of Custom and Online Battles, in the mods, earlier hidden factions and units become available.La esencia: Ahora, Los Mapas Históricos están disponibles en los modos de Las Batallas Personalizadas y En Línea (OnLine), en los modos, las facciones que eran ocultas, ahora están dis
Uploaded for quality assurance purposes.
Violent Atmosphere's RTWR Mod FIles
Uploaded for public preview/modders resource for Rome Total War Remastered.
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Violent Atmosphere's RTWR Mod FIles
Uploaded for public preview/modders resource for Rome Total War Remastered.
This is a very basic mod that overwrites the export_descr_buildings.txt file to reduce the construction time of all buildings to 1 turn. This is also my first mod so please let me know how well it works for your game.
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This is a very basic mod that overwrites the export_descr_buildings.txt file to reduce the construction time of all buildings to 1 turn. This is also my first mod so please let me know how well it works for your game.
Rome Expanded features civil wars, loyalty system, 8 cultures, 17 religions, 200 regions, 106 factions, 309 units, recruitable generals, an expanded senate, better campaign AI, better battle AI, better AI battle formations, more historically accurate map, characters, faction relationships (such as Athens and Sparta's rivalry), and much more.
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Rome Expanded features civil wars, loyalty system, 8 cultures, 17 religions, 200 regions, 106 factions, 309 units, recruitable generals, an expanded senate, better campaign AI, better battle AI, better AI battle formations, more historically accurate map, characters, faction relationships (such as Athens and Sparta's rivalry), and much more.
basically been building a "story-verse" in a fantasy genre based on this continent of Azia... this mod was supposed to be a general timeline overview of that story-verse however I can't get the campaign to load!If any experienced RTW modders are able to look through the files and tell me where and why the crashes happen that'll be great
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basically been building a "story-verse" in a fantasy genre based on this continent of Azia... this mod was supposed to be a general timeline overview of that story-verse however I can't get the campaign to load!If any experienced RTW modders are able to look through the files and tell me where and why the crashes happen that'll be great
Expanded vanilla game, with richer details and custom content while keeping original color scheme and style. More than 1500 new skins and more than 200 new unit models. 13 provincial campaigns. Hundreds of new and overhauled unit cards and images, custom ancillaries and more!
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Expanded vanilla game, with richer details and custom content while keeping original color scheme and style. More than 1500 new skins and more than 200 new unit models. 13 provincial campaigns. Hundreds of new and overhauled unit cards and images, custom ancillaries and more!
RTWs mod Civilian Lives Matter by kosak4
Are you tired of riots and revolts? It is necessary to exterminate the populace, but you think that Their Lives Matter? This mod is a solution. Now faces of civilians will be "green" always and the cities will not rebel never!. However, there is a nuance - the faces of civilians will be green by all factions, and not just a player's faction.
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RTWs mod Civilian Lives Matter by kosak4
Are you tired of riots and revolts? It is necessary to exterminate the populace, but you think that Their Lives Matter? This mod is a solution. Now faces of civilians will be "green" always and the cities will not rebel never!. However, there is a nuance - the faces of civilians will be green by all factions, and not just a player's faction.
A fairly basic mod that tweaks a few of the game files to introduce India into the campaign of the Rome: Total War - Alexander expansion. Full unit roster, character names, and their own stature within the campaign sandbox. It's kinda restored cut content, as I found a dedicated "faction destroyed" video in the files, suggesting it was cut.
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A fairly basic mod that tweaks a few of the game files to introduce India into the campaign of the Rome: Total War - Alexander expansion. Full unit roster, character names, and their own stature within the campaign sandbox. It's kinda restored cut content, as I found a dedicated "faction destroyed" video in the files, suggesting it was cut.