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About this mod

Fixes various issues with Bloody Wolf of Ashina like formatting, skin details on the hand, restores bandages on prosthetic, and restores arm for prologue

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This mod brings you various fixes to CraniumJ's Bloody Wolf of Ashina. This mod fixes formatting issues as to to not affect any other changeforms, it fixes skin details on the right hand, fixes material discrepancies in the arm bandages so they look like proper bandages, widens the feet and moves them forward a bit so they're in the legs of the hakama better, restores the bandages on the prosthetic, recolors the hakama so it's a uniform color, as well as skin color matching for the arms, leg, and face, as well as add a restored arm for the prologue. so you can run through the entire playthrough with this skin, and not have to worry about lore breaking by Wolf having the prosthetic before fighting tutorial Genichiro. This took me some time to do and was a request by someone previously so i hope you enjoy it :)