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Zach Fett

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About this mod

Moves the camera to a third person perspective, increases default corpse despawn timers, and halves flashlight consumption rate.

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This mod moves the camera to a third person perspective. 
Additionally, I've increased the default corpse despawn timers and halved the flashlight consumption rate.

Not sure if people will use this much, but figured it's worth sharing. It makes me wish the game was made for third person in the first place. However, it also makes the game a hell of a lot harder when you can't see behind you and over walls easily like the original top down camera.

Install Instructions:
  • If you don't already have 7-Zip installed, go get it. It's free and better than WinRAR. You'll need it for this.
  • Go to your game's installation folder and make a backup of Data1.fbz (or just know that you can revert by verifying integrity on Steam).
  • Right-click Data1.fbz (not the backup!), hover over the 7-Zip context menu, and choose "Open archive". This will open the file in 7-Zip.
  • Go into the Data folder, then Misc. Now just drag and drop my "default_game_options.txt" file into this location. Click yes when it asks if you'd like to copy the file into the archive. You can then close 7-Zip.

You'll also want to disable the "Free Camera Mode" setting in-game (which has to be done each time you start the game for some reason), so that the camera is behind your character's back.

I think aiming is a lot easier with Free Camera Mode, and it looks cool in this mod (reminds me of a fixed-camera horror game like Resident Evil), but I couldn't figure out a way to zoom that camera in closer so that it would work well in indoor areas. Unfortunately in that mode, with this mod installed, your camera will constantly clip through walls, so disable it.

Also disable anti-aliasing, It breaks the water textures in this game!