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About this mod

Various tweaks to the ini files to enhance image quality and performance.

Permissions and credits
  • Someone discovered an issue with the INI file tweaks not working that seems to have been caused by the software used to pack/repack the files. I've redone all the INIs using the new software and hopefully the issue should now be resolved.
  • I've added updated files for the other versions of the game, including Chinese, Japanese, etc
  • Initial release of English version

Makes changes to the ini files located inside coalesced_XXX.bin. Following changes have been made:

Disables motion blur. Oddly enough, this was turned off in the PS3 version. Why they switched it on for the PC version, which can natively run at double the frame rate, I have no idea.
  • Default: True
  • New: False
Disables motion blur. Not sure how it's different than the one above, but I disabled it, anyways.
  • Default: True
  • New: False
Increases anisotropic filtering from 4x to 16x. This should be free on any modern GPU.
  • Default: 4
  • New: 16
Disables mouse smoothing.
  • Default: True
  • New: False
Disables radial blur effect. On newer games this would be similar to lens distortion or something like that. Didn't notice this much in game but figured I'd turn it off, anyways.
  • Default: True
  • New: False
Disables frame rate cap
  • Default: True
  • New: False
Leaving this as 62 will still cap the frame rate even if bSmoothFrameRate is turned off.
  • Default: 62
  • New: 500
Disables vsync. Seemed to introduce a weird FPS cap for me even with bSmoothFrameRate turned off.
  • Default: True
  • New: False

These will only work if you've extracted the data.vfs file found in the fishgame folder inside the game's install directory. You can find the script needed to extract the files on GitHub. You'll need to have Python installed for it to work. I'm assuming you've already gone through this process for any of my mods. Please note that you will need to follow the guide here in order to modify your game.

Install Instructions
  • Download the zip file linked in the files section here.
  • Navigate to your install directory. Easiest way is to right click the game on Steam and click Manage->Browse Local Files.
  • Go into the fishgame/cookedPCConsole folder located inside your install directory
  • Make a backup of the coalesced_XXX.bin files located here. I typically just rename it to something like coalesced_int.binxxx.
  • Extract the downloaded zip file into the fishgame/cookedPCConsole directory. Press Overwrite when prompted.

Issues can possibly be caused by having the game's exe named "game.exe". Renaming it to something like "SOTD.exe" should fix it. Try this if you're getting weird frame rate behavior.

Shout outs to Wastelander121, Lyall, and everyone involved in making the tools I've used to make my mods.