About this mod
This mod is the adaptation of dead man switch into the engine of dragonfall, offering better UI and fast loading times to experience the adventure in the best way possible (at least for me)
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- i was aware of the similar mod that let people replay Campain inside Shadowrun HongKong
- i made this because loading times in Hongkong are the crime for me and i find dragonfall to be better game overall
- All the assets in the mod require you to own the legal copy of the game to play and belong to Herobrained Schemes, i m just moding
- Mod was possible because Dragonfall contain majority of Deadman Switch files with disabled function to play it
- mod don't trying to take away anything from Authors of mod to play returns in HK or from shadowrun returns itself, its just 1 more way to experience OG campain
- i feel obligated to link you alternative: Dead Man Switch in Shadowrun Hongkong
- Download the mod
- find folder: Dragonfall/StreamingAssets/ContentPacks
- move folder from inside the zip into this location and replace the files when asked
- Find folder: Returns/StreamingAssets/ContentPacks/DeadManSwitch/ART
- and move it to folder: Dragonfall/StreamingAssets/ContentPacks/DeadManSwitch
- start Shadowrun Dragonfall and play the game
- (this might be the best i can do without violating Copyright or bypassing ownership of both games)
- Mod was developed on GOG copy of the game with missing files taken from GOG copy of returns
- Mod was tested to pretty high degree for one person if i can say so myself
- i got it running in 2022, but was burned out from the shadowrun and real life catch up to me forcing me to take a break
- i tested kickstarted codes for this mod aswell and they do works :)
- i tested the DMS campain and Dragonfall campain after installation of the mod on new copy of the game and both worked
- its important to note: i use very limited build variety for all 3 games, Melee qi-caster shaman and range qi-caster shaman
- Original campain does not have Dragonfall added items or augments, you experience the game as it was, benefits are only better UI and engine (some bugs might still remain, but if so it must be decking?)
- if level refuse to load:
- in folder Shadowrun Returns/StreamingAssets/ContentPacks/DeadmanSwitch
- there is folder ART, i blindly assumed dragonfall folder have all the assets already
- if level don't load for you, it might be it, please copy art from Returns to Dragon and roll with it :)
- sorry in advance