Can please someone help with the installing? I installed forklift in binaries---win64, and paks are installed in content----paks. I don't have any changes, and I have the latest Steam version of the game. Am I doing something wrong?
This is a really great mod and goes a pretty long way to making the game closer to the first two! I was wondering if the optional mod's like the revised story and the swapped music can be used with just the original game or do you have to use to main mod for those to work?
hello thanks for the mod i´m getting this error: LowLevelFatalError [FIle:Unknown Line:46 Couldn´t find pak signature file shenmue3/Content/Paks/-mods/StoryRevised.sig
Great mod, however, I am still having stamina drain. I can't tell if its from running, training, or not eating, but when I am running, it still doest deplete, just not sure if its due to hunger or training.
I installed forklift in binaries---win64, and paks are installed in content----paks. I don't have any changes, and I have the latest Steam version of the game. Am I doing something wrong?
LowLevelFatalError [FIle:Unknown Line:46
Couldn´t find pak signature file
LowLevelFatalError [FIle:Unknown Line:46
Couldn´t find pak signature file