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Get me a cup of coffee!                                                                 All MODs by Bossy Peppa!

□About Bossy Peppa
Bossy Peppa is a channel for releasing PCgameMODs. The MODs released here are game MODs credit by Bossy Peppa.

On May 24, 2022, I started to turn my gameMODvideo into some short films and publish them to YouTube. Since then, I have
never stopped. I constantly think, innovateand keep up with the trend.
Creating a unique and innovative game MOD ismy top priority. I always exceed
my own limit and develop with the developmentof each new game MOD.

At present, the popular game MOD launchedbyBossy Peppa Studio includes Elden Ring, SIFU, Sekiro, etc. Please subscribe
to me and look forward to my more MODworks......
□How to install SIFU mods?
1. Navigate to wherever you have Sifuinstalled and go to it's Paks folder
Example: D:\SIFU\Sifu\Content\Paks
2. If it doesn't exist, make a new foldercalled ~mods - Should look like this: D:\SIFU\Sifu\Content\Paks\~mods
3. Drop the mod's pak and sig files inthere
4. Boot up the game and have fun

1 comment

  1. MRGV1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any plans on putting this on Nexus?
  2. mercureXI
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Any chance you upload that Ada Wong skin on NexusMods ? 

    Thanks !