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About this mod

Vortex extension sanity checks for Fallout New Vegas that handles common problems and quality of life addition

Permissions and credits
Vortex extension sanity checks for Fallout New Vegas that handles common problems and quality of life addition.
Non-intrusive notification and can be dismissed permanently.

  • Checks the presence of translation plugin that's included by default from the game and notify users by prompting a file deletion at their consent
  • Checks if the executable files is not 4GB patched and send a notification linking the patcher
  • Checks for legacy NVSE from the silverlock website
  • Automatic creation of .override files for BSA files so that it can override previous BSA files
  • Enhanced default GECK configuration files if it doesn't exists (only for mod makers)

Vortex Installation
Open the extension page and click find more, search for the extension name and click install, you will be prompted to restart by vortex.

Alternate Vortex Installation
Manually download the mod, Open the extension page, drag and drop the zip file at the dedicated drop file box, you will be prompted to restart by vortex.