I'm tweaking the shape of the handle right now as the weight of the blade isn't proportionate, I'll keep posted depending on how far I go with this. Thank you for the offer, i'll get back to you on that.
If you make a good alternative Orc-weapon out of it, i perhaps would like to add it to my uruk-hai mods, if you give permission, when it is ready. If the look is to my liking, i could use even more weapons.
The grip is far to small in my opinion, but the rest looks pretty good! Good work so far.
I could actualy use a great cleaver which isn 't like the classical weapons out of lotr but fits the look.
The grip is far to small in my opinion, but the rest looks pretty good! Good work so far.
I could actualy use a great cleaver which isn 't like the classical weapons out of lotr but fits the look.