Axe concepts

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Working on a low poly model in blender as I post this. Concepts are made by me, you are free to leave your thoughts. 


  1. kensmalice
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    I'm tweaking the shape of the handle right now as the weight of the blade isn't proportionate, I'll keep posted depending on how far I go with this. Thank you for the offer, i'll get back to you on that.
  2. destero
    • premium
    • 139 kudos
    If you make a good alternative Orc-weapon out of it, i perhaps would like to add it to my uruk-hai mods, if you give permission, when it is ready. If the look is to my liking, i could use even more weapons.

    The grip is far to small in my opinion, but the rest looks pretty good! Good work so far.

    I could actualy use a great cleaver which isn 't like the classical weapons out of lotr but fits the look.