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This user's image description contains 6 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.
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she is good BTW, her lips are sexy as hell, but I honeslty prefer Kaylin...you know , she is more "Human"
The ears.. well I always had a weakness for them Now they just go with this char and her hair. I tried without, but then I miss something you know. With it.. she is At least I think so.
Speaking of Adriana she surely knows about her strength, despite her past and her "mixed race", as you said.
The Thieves Guild it's a good start to gain money but also protection and respect, in some way! So there's no reason to be worried about that. Of course, they are still thieves, their lives and behavior are not exactly some of the best. So at the end she pick up a different path, and probably she did a good choice...We just need to follow our thoughts and feelings to find the Inner peace, but sometimes in RL it's not so easy at all...
anyway, we'll see what the future holds for her!
I am still developing her role play. It will be hard not to make her an archer like Kaylin. Really love that way of playing Skyrim. There are so many beautiful weapon and armor mods that there are more images to come