DragonLord robe

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Continuation of that dragon lord helmet i made a while ago.


  1. Zerofrost
    • supporter
    • 2,956 kudos

    I see what you're doing. You're gonna upload the makai, valkyrie and dragonlord all at once arent you? hahaha....ha...ha......right?

    Seriously i have barely enough free time to mod currently hence why i have been silent for quite a while. And yes if i have to make a release it will be a pack.
    1. Jimm607
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      people only seem impatient because we genuinely love your work Zerofrost, we don't want to make it seem like we take you for granted, take all the time you like. Love you all the same.
  2. timmyWILLIAM
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    • 4 kudos
    just for jokes but you all know in titanic when rose was like its been 83 years well zerofrost be like.......andhafelife3
  3. bzechari@ymail.com
    [email protected]
    • supporter
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    I see what you're doing. You're gonna upload the makai, valkyrie and dragonlord all at once arent you? hahaha....ha...ha......right?
  4. machola500
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    • 8 kudos
  5. timmyWILLIAM
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    one of these days i hope to come to your profile and see the file tab say 9 and not 8 that will be a good day
    1. dominick1233
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    2. fuiery
      • supporter
      • 18 kudos
      I 3rd this motion.

      I love the concepts zerofrost comes up with but it makes me sad when they don't get released. He makes some of the most kickass armours/armour concepts out there and is super talented at bringing them to life. Maybe one day we will see some new stuff get released but until that day comes we shall continue waiting.
  6. Raxel55
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    • 0 kudos
    anddd zero back to his long "sleep" again T.T
  7. Relentlessx757
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    Since Skyrim is getting a remaster, will you start uploading all the stuff you've been working on? All of this s*** is amazing.
  8. RushingEdge
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    So how do you make these any way I'd love to get all the hundreds of thousands of armor designs out of my head it hurts uhh laugh it you want but when you can build 18 variations of stormclock armor in under a few minutes in your minds eye it's so not funny. Meditations help to a point
    1. alonewolf003
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      You don't know whether it's a few minutes or not lol. Pretty sure you do a brainstorm first then start to draw/sketch a design on a paper or sort.
  9. maximizers
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    The King is back.
  10. SirPeculiar
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    Amazing work as always, Zerofrost.