Bug Notes and Temporary Fixes For Known Issues

The following are bug report notes and temporary fixes for known issues. The temporary fixes are available here if the main files have not been updated yet.

FIXED IN VERSION - kmyQuest.AddRaceSpells() 09-01-2024

Known issue. I forgot to add the following line of code in the script for adding race spells. I will update the files as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can add in the following after the CharGen section if there is an issue with race spells.

Quest __temp = self as Quest
MQ101QuestScript kmyQuest = __temp as MQ101QuestScript
; Add spells based on race.

FIXED IN VERSION - TargetModIndex Causing Compile Error 09-01-2024

The section with TargetModIndex was causing a compile error. Though most likely to do with load order sorting, I am leaving it commented out for this project, but feel free to play with it yourself. May have just been a temporary error.

; TargetModIndex causing unusual Compile errors, comment out for now.
; The following is not needed, this is just to check its load order and to indicate whether or not the esp file is named correctly.
; For example; we could update the mod and rename it MyMod v2.esp but forget to change that here,
; thus we can tell the script to remind us we forgot to update the mod name or install the correct files.
;Int TargetModIndex
;TargetModIndex = Game.GetModByName("MQ101 Resources - Tutorial Version.esp")
;if TargetModIndex != 255
;Debug.Trace(self + "[MQ101 Resources]: MQ101 Resources - Tutorial Version.esp is loaded at index number " + TargetModIndex + " in our load order.", aiSeverity = 0)
;Debug.Trace(self + "[MQ101 Resources]: UPDATE!! MQ101 Resources - Tutorial Version.esp has been updated. Please make sure you have installed the correct files.", aiSeverity = 2) ; Usually indicates the esp file is not named correctly.

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