About this image
My newest Character Quintus Servatius. He´s an assassin of an order, founded in Cyrodiil. That´s why most of the members are Imperials. He´s highranked and is the leader of a smaller group of assassins ins Skyrim. They´ve got a little house as base.It´s not too hidden, but that´s no problem, because they´re not chased by any hold. They fight for freedom and right. If the cityguard doesn´t have enough official evidence to apprehend a murder, an Assassin will come and kill him or her. No mercy, no regret. In the civil war, they were hated by Ulfric Stormcloak. They killed many Stormcloaks, because the Grandmaster of the order thought, that a rebellion is the wrong way to bring Tamriel freedom and piece. He was sure, that if the Stormcloaks would´ve won, the Thalmor would have marched in in Skyrim and would have forced all armies of Tamriel to help them. Skyrim would have been burned down to the ground. So some said they were allies of the Empire, but that´s not true. They weren´t the allies of ANYONE. They followed their idea: All races should be able to live together without trouble. Any people, who supress other races just because of racsism shall die.
They also destroyed many banditfactions, that´s why they were famous all over Tamriel. Merchants and travelers loved them, because traveling was much saver now.
The order was called "The Order of Libertatem Pugnator"
Here´s the link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9752
there are also some translations to different languages.
where is that armor from?