Nice Combination

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  1. Onigamibr
    • member
    • 28 kudos
    Thx mate, I agree, comments and endorses in our works always makes all worth. But I like more the comments as you I think.
    Kind of I understand your feeling about can't play much, i'm modding now and its kind of consume time between the learning about how to do things happens and make the things happens, I think it must be the same way with your nice work. that i love to watch and laugh.
  2. Reimar67
    • premium
    • 249 kudos
    Cracking shot. Thanks for the comment left. I have a few that seem to leave regular comments, and it does mean a lot to me. I spend far too much time on the funnies now and no time playing the game. But the comments make it worthwhile (and endorments of course).
    Also I try and look at work of the people who follow me. So expect me to drop by once in a while.
    Hope Brazils doing well