Dungeon romp

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This user's image description contains 3 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. solsikke737
    • premium
    • 111 kudos
    If you do release it I'll have a look too for sure, because these looks so great!

  2. midhras
    • premium
    • 192 kudos
    Best news ever. I think I'll have to book another vacation for my family alone, and keep myself locked indoors. I'm starting to think about doing little snippets of story, each episode using a different, fitting ENB, as kind of a challenge for myself. Oh, I'll keep using and working at Midhrastic, but I think I'll have to try and cut your work open and dissect and study it like Ian Holm's Ash bent over his precious facehugger. Not that your ENB is beautifully ugly, nightmarish and constricting. If you release in the next couple of weeks, be so kind as to let me know... I'll pour over the files and imagine how it will look in-game while running beach sand between my toes.
  3. trustinall
    • premium
    • 147 kudos
    oh wow did i read that right? a new enb by you gets me pretty xited! specially after seein these great darkness levels. great to see sum screens from u again!
  4. anaphiel
    • premium
    • 164 kudos
    I'd say it's a mystery that you're rapidly unraveling artem1s. The last shot of the skeleton, and the cropped shot of the boots and vines are both excellent. Well-composed, and of course the settings are grand.
  5. slayerpaul
    • member
    • 61 kudos
    great shots! love the skeleton's one, really impressive!
  6. artem1s
    • premium
    • 1,290 kudos
    Thanks, all! Glad you liked.

    And thank you, midhras, for your considerate comments - observant as ever! Yes, inspiration is of course more close to truth than imitation. As you know, I love your work. You've shown that screenshots can so much more than just snapshots, not only composition-wise but especially from a story-telling point of view, and I hoped to have at least a fraction of that same vibe...

    As for my config, you're all too kind! I have been tweaking the interiors for quite some time and I think finally everything is starting to click together. The look is of course down to many things, but I think AO+IL, bloom and specular settings are the main factors. I don't like bloom that wraps around everything, so I have spend quite some time to fine-tune lighting settings, IL and bloom to work together for believable lighting.

    I still have some issues in exteriors, but it looks like if Boris can manage to sort out the issues with the new ENB version, they are solvable. In that case, there will be a release without a doubt!
  7. Kyokushinoyama
    • premium
    • 527 kudos
    These are simply mind blowing artem1s, nothing more to say !
  8. midhras
    • premium
    • 192 kudos
    I don't see how any of this would have anything to do with my shots, but if you felt inspired and that led to this, well, I'll take that as a big compliment. Composition-wise I actually see more of trillville in these than of me, but most of what I see is artem1s: perfect bokeh dof with fantastic use of either brightness limiting or weight limiting (those bokeh sprites on the wall in the main shot are lovely); perfect combo of specularity and bokeh (the walls believably glisten like they're damp); an incredible softness to your shots--I don't know how else to describe this and I don't know how you do this: maybe a combination of just the right lighting and use of shadows, but will you look at the arm, the ribscage of that skeleton?--which makes me think that I can reach out and touch everything; the vivid but not exaggerated (looking at myself here) use of colour; the increeeeedible shadows and pitch-perfect incredibly tight SSAO. It's too much to take in at once, and I've been staring at these for quite a while now. If this is how your ENB handles interiors I think it will be a crime if you don't release. Mindflux 2.0 is what started me on tweaking myself, but I believe I have found a new candidate for inspiration.
  9. Norm1974
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    Yes yes.....this is nice!
  10. AurianaValoria1
    • premium
    • 489 kudos
    Great pic! Nice atmosphere.