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  1. artem1s
    • premium
    • 1,287 kudos
    Hey, thanks! Working on it...
  2. vlaka
    • premium
    • 60 kudos
    sweet sweet pics. Cant wait for your enb

    As for the new 114 binary..I can't seem to run it well any more. Dunno if I overtweaked my skyrimpref.ini or something bu shadows are wrong; All cross hatched and everything is overly contrasted.

    I prefer 113 as I know i can run most enb's at 60 fps and around 50 fps with AO on.
  3. Kyokushinoyama
    • premium
    • 527 kudos
    @artem1s :
    sure. Anyway, being forced to tweak shadows settings to have a new functionnality working a bit paradoxal for post-processing... Having iBlurdefferedshadowmask higher than 3 is surely not a mistake...
    Not against this crazy russian genius (much, too much respect for him !), just directed towards this new function itself...
    On my side, will stick to 0.113.
  4. artem1s
    • premium
    • 1,287 kudos
    Kyo, I certainly know what you mean. I'm myself a bit on the edge.

    With the ini fix I posted the noise from detailed shadows becomes visible again at least for me, and I don't know of other way to get rid of it, so it's certainly not a perfect solution. Other issue is the sky and the sun, it seems like it's impossible to get them to look as good as they used to look, no matter what I do. On the other hand, I quite like the effect, as it works pretty well in my config. But sure enough, it depends a lot on a config whether it's necessary. Performance is secondary for me, as it's always pretty bad on my rig

    SGM, be aware that if you start your own setup, you're in for an endless tweaking spree
  5. Kyokushinoyama
    • premium
    • 527 kudos
    @artem1s :
    I'm still not using the new binary...same... It would have me diving in my gradients, lightings, sun, etc.... sun textures maybe...

    So, nope, too lazy.
    Anyway, fake SSAO I don't like it so much... do u ?

    Plus, that thing with the "grid" effect... I spent so much time on my game inis I find it a pity some settings should be involved for this new binary to work fine...
    Last but not least, the performance hit was -3 to 5 FPS on my rig... wich is not worth it.

    Still, I'm highly in doubt about using this one...

    @SGM :
    Hmmmmm, if I may advice, try them all, then stop for a day after using your favorite...put them all in a folder of a folder of a folder of a folder...
    And then, start yours !
  6. deleted4308040
    • account closed
    • 62 kudos
    Yellow's a good color!

    Really though, as much as I adore Willow's remake, I still love the original as well. She's fab looking! Almost want to bring her back for a bit.

    You should see my desktop. It's covered in ENB folders XD I don't know which one to pick before going on a screenshot rampage lol! I'm afraid to even begin to start my own.
  7. artem1s
    • premium
    • 1,287 kudos
    Thanks SGM, glad you liked! I guess it's obvious, but I love yellow

    Ah, the sweet Jenassa. 83Willow's Jenassa makeover is simply gorgeous, but I recently reinstalled Skyrim and didn't remember to put it back in. Thanks to the recent reinstall Jenassa also has the boring robe, the only other piece of clothing I was carrying at the time.

    And talk about testing ENBs! I think I have like a gazillion of them too, but I don't have much free time and tweaking my own stuff is way too addictive. I've made vows to check out everyone's work at some point, though...
  8. deleted4308040
    • account closed
    • 62 kudos
    This is looking wonderful! The colors in a way are perfect. That overly powerful yellow is so lovely looking. Can't wait to try this one out! (Man I have a list of ENB's to try...)

    Also I totally forgot what original Jenassa looked like! She's prettier than I remember!
  9. artem1s
    • premium
    • 1,287 kudos
    Well, probably the originals have a little bit of detail too As a matter of fact, it (preserving the details) was one of my starting points, and I'm pretty happy with the way things are now... Regarding the tint, the second one actually has slightly more green tint than the first one because I reduced it in-between the shots.

    And don't be so modest, you've well shown with your output that you're an expert Not only that, but you have a fresh set of eyes, which I think is even more important.
  10. solsikke737
    • premium
    • 111 kudos
    Ah, so that might have something to do with it...but I bet your originals look pretty good too. It can't go from totally un-detailed to this

    And I'm not bothered by any green tint in these shots (not at all). I'm no expert, but I'd say you're really getting there. I really like what I see.