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    • supporter
    • 98 kudos
    I have to agree with trillville regarding the night brightness - not too bright, not too dark, just right, I like it very much. The two landscape shots are better at showing off your configuration, but the "laid to rest" (Sol TM) shot takes the cake composition-wise.
  2. artem1s
    • premium
    • 1,290 kudos
    Thanks for your comment, Sol - as detailed as ever

    Glad you think they look fine. If you're wondering why I've seemingly developed an acute green allergy, I used to have too much green because of my yellow palette, and I guess I'm now seeing it everywhere. But thanks for taking a look, I'll trust you and not touch the colour balance (at least not for now, no promises!). And it's very true that thing may look a lot different in-game, and for example a slight tint that's alright in a screenshot may quickly become irritating. Not to even mention different locations, weather conditions, etc.

    I took these shots on a whim (as I usually do, tweaking always comes first), and in retrospective I wish I'd have developed the ideas a bit further - could have made for a more interesting scene. Oh well, there's always the next time...

    Thanks for the encouragement, I'm trying to get this one actually released!
  3. solsikke737
    • premium
    • 111 kudos
    That is a beautiful night...slightly brighter than I'm used to, but I really like it. That first shot is just lovely with the moon and the campfires...such lovely colours...a very nice scene
    I like the composition on the second one a the "laid to rest" look of it. I also like the detail again in this and the sleeping guy's (sleeping...right ;P) shot.

    From these shots I can't say that you've got too much green, because I like how the balance looks here. The other colours are brought out very nicely. What I've found out is that seeing someones shots and seeing it in game can be a little different. But I like what I see here a lot, so please don't give up on it

  4. artem1s
    • premium
    • 1,290 kudos
    Thanks, vlaka! Tsk tsk, shouldn't have been drinking all by himself
  5. vlaka
    • premium
    • 60 kudos
    he tripped over backwards didnt he ;P

    Love the colours and the angles. Fantastic work yet again!
  6. artem1s
    • premium
    • 1,290 kudos
    Thanks all, glad you liked! When tweaking, there comes a point when it's difficult to say whether you're going into right direction or not, so I was already ready to give up yesterday evening.

    Thanks trillville, great to hear you think so! I don't know if it shows, but Alan Wake was somewhat of an inspiration. I think that game does a pretty good job in creating an impression of darkness while still retaining fun gameplay, ie. the nights are not so dark it becomes frustrating. I too love how the campfire light plays on the tent, but no secret tweaks there

    And Kyo, Mr. Hawkeye! I did indeed slightly tweak the palette to get rid of some of the green and better bring out the highlights. Maybe there's still too much green, not sure. I tried to be careful so as not to break my dungeons, but we'll see how they look...
  7. trillville
    • member
    • 50 kudos
    I love this kind of night! Not too bright, not too dark, just enough color to tease the eyes. The way that campfire lights the tents is extremely interesting--it's almost as if instead of being a regular omni it's a shadow-caster...or maybe it's just perfectly coloring the highlights brought out by the moon. In any case, very nice work
  8. trustinall
    • premium
    • 147 kudos
    lovely nights, that's how i like em! and the fool on the hill! btw just saw ur campfire mod, great idea... i'll use that as soon as i'm done enb fiddlin
  9. Kyokushinoyama
    • premium
    • 527 kudos
    Amazing color tones !
    In this weather... Perfect !
    Any change to your palette ?
  10. deleted4308040
    • account closed
    • 62 kudos
    Look at that drunkard passed out on the rock. What a tool.

    Wonderful shots! That campsite looks like such a great place to relax!