Facing the Dragon

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Eliande was on her way to Dead Men's Respite when a Blood Dragon attacked. She had not hunt dragons for some time, and she was not one to run away from a fight. So instead of retreating into the dark confines of the tomb, she chased the dragon to a hill and faced it - one on one.

After a few well-placed shots from Hell's Grace, the Blood Dragon landed and sought to engage Eliande on the ground. The ground quaked with its every step, but the huntress did not falter; for she knew that a fallen dragon is close to its death. She stood her ground, her steely eyes stared down against the dragon's.

The dragon was just inches away from her, teeth baring, but the huntress did not run. She only drew her bow, ready for the final shot.


  1. PvtHollows
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you for the comment! I take these shots and upload them for the fun of it, but your comment has inspired me to take this little hobby up a notch. Eliande still has more adventures coming up, so we'll see.
  2. KITkingslayer
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Nice angle and great description.Keep the shot's coming!