Project ENB race menu

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A screenshot showing the race menu when using Project ENB.

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True Vision ENB
True Vision Cinematic ENB
Project ENB


  1. bronze316
    • member
    • 245 kudos

    On the race menu I had the Skin Tone slider set at one click from far left in this screenshot. When you say overview, do you mean screenshots for all skin tones?
  2. Gratus
    • member
    • 29 kudos

    No problem, as I know you've tried this ENB before with all the bells and whistles. I prefer my game with DOF enabled! <img class=">

    Thanks for your support BTW!

    Note: Dynamic DOF with this ENB will cause some blurring on the race menu unfortunately. If you use my Normal DOF optional file, the problem will not be apparent, but the DOF will not be dynamic anymore.

    Edit: Oh crap, I must've changed something a while back and not noticed that the Normal DOF still blurs, but not as bad as the Dynamic DOF. My apologies for this oversight everyone. >_<

    bronze could you make a overview of the Skin Tone Rendering with the default Sliders ?
  3. bronze316
    • member
    • 245 kudos
    No problem, as I know you've tried this ENB before with all the bells and whistles. I prefer my game with DOF enabled!

    Thanks for your support BTW!

    Note: Dynamic DOF with this ENB will cause some blurring on the race menu unfortunately. If you use my "Normal" DOF optional file, the problem will not be apparent, but the DOF will not be dynamic anymore.

    Edit: Oh crap, I must've changed something a while back and not noticed that the "Normal" DOF still blurs, but not as bad as the Dynamic DOF. My apologies for this oversight everyone. >_<
  4. ZeroKing
    • supporter
    • 381 kudos
    haha! My mistake, nevertheless, awesome stuff
  5. bronze316
    • member
    • 245 kudos
    I have DOF disabled. :p I've uploaded this picture of the creation menu to verify brightness levels, per user request.
  6. ZeroKing
    • supporter
    • 381 kudos
    The DOF is spot on! No blurring when the menu shows up, perfect!