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With my newly acquired knowledge of how to take good screenshots (learning the console commands to freeze the action, make the camera movement manageable, remove the HUD... etc.) after a full day of taking who knows how many shots, I finally got one that I'm happy with.
And now I am even more in awe of some of the fantastic screenshots posted by others here on the Nexus... I now know just how much work it can be... and MINE isn't even that good!


  1. MntyH
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Cool... thanks for the tips on the AI toggle and fov.

    And I just checked out your images... I love how you have gone the extra mile to write stories for a lot of your pics. Fantastic!
  2. ShinIkiJigoku
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    No thanks necessary. As an aspiring archer, I enjoy when people acknowledge the effort that goes into each image (not necessarily my own works, but all good captures)

    Dragon posing. Well if you look at some of my "action" shots, the way this was achieved was through letting the creatures move until they went into the approximate pose I desired, quickly opening up the console, selecting them then entering the command "tai" this disables AI processing, effectively freezing them in position. God mode also helps so that one doesn't die in the process. "tfc 1" freezes all movement so that you can zoom and fly about at leisure when attempting to find the correct angle.

    lsinsocal & Kaldaar were nice enough to inform me of the "fov" console command in ranges from 1-100 (5 is usually quite sufficent ie. "fov 5") for those extreme close ups.

    Good luck with your archery. Though I suspect you'll surpass my skill level right quick now.
  3. MntyH
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    ShinIkiJigoku.. Thanks for the encouragement.
    And I totally agree that for the most part it is inspiring. Seeing some of the stunning images here was enough to make me try my hand at it.

    I guess the next step for me is to learn how to use the different pose mods. (and is there a way to make the dragons pose? does anyone know? or is it just a lot of try, and try again until you capture one in a pose you like?)

    And my thoughts on the extreme close ups would be to max out your game resolution, get as close as you can without clipping into the character... and then edit the picture, cropping it so that it's just the bit you want.

    Hmmm... I might try that myself now.
  4. ShinIkiJigoku
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I stand in agreement with you. I have no idea how some of the archers in this joint get their angles, poses, expressions, lighting... the list can go on and on. Sometimes it can be discouraging, but for the most part it is inspiring.

    I'm currently in the process of trying to figure out the extreme close ups that I've seen posted. My attempts to replicate end up with the camera view going "inside" the skin. Hopefully I'll figure it out.

    Anyway, good shot and I look forward to seeing more of your works.