Hybrid mod

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i will make soon a mod that give you an abilitie to transform to a hybrid (werewolf + vampire lord)
dawnguard is required

the hybrid have 2 way to travel like the vampire lords they can fly and they can walk
when they are using the way to walk they are like werewolfs and attacking like werewolfs when you run they run very fast like the werewolfs way

when they are using the way to fly they are like vampirelords they use magic in one hand they use flames or vampire drain and in the other hand they use conjure Gyrgor or resurrect a body

by skull19972
to any one who want to help doing an awesome hybrid mod i will appricuate it to work together doing a hybrid race in skyrim more powerful than werewolfs and more powerful than vampire lords

it will be awesome and very cool to have a hybrid race in skyrim :))))


  1. evegrey21
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    and give them active effects when in humanoid form-:

    Hybrid strength: has 800 carryweight and armed and unarmed attacks do twice as much damage as vamps and werewolves do
    Hybrid speed: can run extremly fast and stamina can quickly regenerate
    Hybrid heal: can heal their wound(refill hp bar)
  2. evegrey21
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Black is the best color and give the Hybrid blue eyes
  3. skull19972
    • BANNED
    • 5 kudos
    yea its very cool
    tell me do i make his skin color red hybrid or blue hybrid or black hybrid or white hybrid im confuse
  4. gagoloth
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    freaking awesome!