Dead Centurion - Chapter 1 - Rise

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    • supporter
    • 98 kudos
    *blushes and bows*
  2. zeroxee
    • supporter
    • 140 kudos
    *claps with Anaphiel*
    • supporter
    • 98 kudos
  4. anaphiel
    • premium
    • 164 kudos
    *slow clap*
    • supporter
    • 98 kudos
    Thanks lsinsocal (we need to find you a diminutive asap). From all Tamriel secondary actors, Dwemer Animunculi are maybe the most tragic. They fight for a lost cause, oblivious to the fact that their raison d'être has literally vanished centuries ago. It's that perseverance, that stubborn refusal to succumb to even the most elementary impositions of time (they don't even rust!) what made me wonder about their motivation.
  6. lsinsocal
    • premium
    • 88 kudos
    Wow, how'd I miss this?! Really, this is incredible stuff. You have a great imagination. I really like this concept and perspective. It's a completely different kind of protagonist in this series. The imagery to go with the words is perfect too. You can see it coming to consciousness in a way that only a machine could. Well done!
  7. midhras
    • premium
    • 192 kudos
    Well, I'm visiting. A little bird told me I should.

    Also, as a biologist and a materialist, I find thinking about what the term 'life' means almost as enigmatic and exhilarating as pondering over what it means to be sentient and self-conscious. This is something to mull over silently, or talk about over mulled wine (my house is cold and I didn't bring my sweaters over yet!). Or you can talk about it by making art: I think the best part of Prometheus was the few minutes showing David alone in the ship. Those sequences can last hours without boring me. And your sequence of shots is an investigation really, both into the Other and the Self. I'm mentally shelving this to return to at times.
    • supporter
    • 98 kudos
    Mid, can't describe how glad I am to see your brilliant comments in the imageshare once again.

    You are very kind.

    And you're not alone in there. We are an entire generation that struggled with the idea of mechanical life and, seen in perspective, it was not accidental: we saw machines getting more necessary and intelligent every day (ok, maybe not, but certainly more complex), it was only natural to wonder what the next step would be, if there could really be a ghost in the shell. Early exposure to the Alien and Roy Batty can do that to you.
  9. midhras
    • premium
    • 192 kudos
    Okay, seriously, thank you.

    This felt at once reminiscent of how I've pictured scenes of terminators waking to consciousness (I heard about the title 'Rise of the Machines' before I saw that drivel), and my most horrific nightmares in which I'm traversing misty, alien corridors, only to witness Giger's monster rising from slumber, a machine evolved for killing, its beauty so mesmerizing as to leave me unable to move while my neurons are firing in concert, trying to excite my muscles from tonic shock.

    Truly poetic, utterly gorgeous, and executed with flair.
    • supporter
    • 98 kudos
    Grey, if you really felt that then i might have done something right here, thank you.

    Trust, you're making me blush with these compliments, *blush* I'm not talking to you *blush*.