A Clash of Magick and Dragons

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Full series coming soon...

Along with A Dance of Blood and Shadows and A Song of Heart and Steel. To any of you that may have been keeping up with the images and small excerpt I have been posting here and there, I wanted everyone to know that the stories are building up to something. I hope that they will be long narratives with interesting stories for anyone that wants to read them and enjoy! As you can tell I like strong female characters with equally strong supporting characters. I hope that once part one of each story is done you guys enjoy it, for now I will keep testing the waters seeing how you guys react.

Also I am unable to get super cool shots with the console like other image posters because I tried once and my game started acting really strange. Like all characters had a red triangle around them strange, so I just use the default camera as is, but I think I don't do too badly.

If you have any comments please leave them! If you like anything I post endorse it or comment as to why you didn\'t like it any and all feed back is appreciated.