About this image
This Party Series is a celebration of Skyrims 1st Birthday (as the release date was 11/11/11).
The idea of trying to do some funnies that included so many characters with other people from Nexus seemed like a simple one at first. Yet again I was wrong. Work started the work on 28th Oct (so 14 days in the making) and used over 700 files at the end.
Hopefully you recognise some of the characters in these shots.
For agreeing to participate, a big thanks to thanks to...
Balcony = Kamikazekossori (Akhaz'iir). SydneyB (Sienna). Malachi Delacot (Gersilla). Carah (Caradhwen).
Floor = slayerpaul (Slaya). sPINELESSjELLY (Coerr). Beba (Siri). Reimar67 (IdiotElf). VictoriaG (Sapphire). lsinsocal (Melora). insanityman (Luna). Chilliblitz (Katrina). wraith132 (Talon). TomAraya (Vierna). JoPineapples68 (Wulfsbjorn). schmoops9 (Blake).
Seated = toro66ro (Anjali). 83Willow (Claymora).
For Script to translate, see the first comment below.
Your SUPPORT and COMMENTS are always appreciated.
To browse older work in the order they were uploaded, use Reimar67s Back Catalogue Upload Index
Alternatively, to browse older work by subject you can use Reimar67s Back Catalogue Categories
Want to see more? Take a looks at my other SKYRIM PARTY SERIES JOKES.
Luna is wearing Maxi Armor by Hentai, but with some slight alterations that I made to the texture and mesh. Link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13386