About Tharia

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About Tharia:

Tharia is the little sister of Yazynn, leader of Gernia tribe.
She is the second most important member of the tribe, she leads philosophy and moral lessons to the new ones, this is her main duty.
While she is a great warrior, she likes to solve things with words first.
Tharia often visit Jorrvaskr, and help to hunt vampires to the Dawnguard.
She is very socially sensitive person, she often make missions for her own.
While she is very lucky person in her missions, she is not so lucky in love.
Boys interest usually only with her appearance, and not with her pesonality.
Thatswhy is her hair wear...

Some pictures about her:
In her favourite armor
Companion visit
With long hair


  1. fgem
    • premium
    • 60 kudos
    Thank you very much Zeroxee!
  2. zeroxee
    • supporter
    • 140 kudos
    She certainly look strong, and her background was interesting too
  3. fgem
    • premium
    • 60 kudos
    Thank you Bowsong! And what wrote is all true, though she is not precisely innocent, rather very sensitive.
  4. Bowsong
    • supporter
    • 73 kudos
    I just adore this beautiful Tharia! And thank you for bringing us more of her story. She looks too young and innocent to be a warrior. Looks can be deceiving, true enough. Being an Orc she probably learned to wield a battleaxe before she was 3 years old!
  5. fgem
    • premium
    • 60 kudos
    Thank you very much, Willow!
  6. 83Willow
    • premium
    • 1,155 kudos
    Really lovely image - and very interesting background story!