Keiron The Paladin

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Keiron is a paladin of the north he and Flora (his wife) lives in Dragonsreach in Whiterun with the jarl because he is one of the two thanes in Whiterun, he and the dragonborn.

On the days Keiron use to hangout in the tempel of arkay to teach and learn about the school of restoration. On the nights he drinks and eats in Dragonsreach or have a feast with the Companions in their mead hall.

His dearest friend in all of skyrim is belive it or not, a child, Lars Battle-Born. Keiron has many friends but none like Lars. They use to play hide and seek or tag. Flora doesn't mind ''Just as long the kid has manners and Keiron doesn't let him use Keiron's sword'' she use to say to her friends.

Flora is a strong and handy woman. She cooks, sews & even hunts. She is very confident in her self and is very brave, sometimes she can be experienced as foolhardy. And that's one of the reasons why Keiron loves her.

Keirons Armor: JackoOs Knightly Armor -