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Life might be full of difficulties and obstacles, and time going on so fast only makes us more nervous about it. It's not about what is better or what you should do, is about making the best of the test. It's not about how you did it, is about the lesson learned in the end after deciding, and not too late because you didn't hesitate.

You have good health and are having fun, then you have everything you need, just put the photographs of your life in frames that will never get dusty, in your mind. The occurrences of your life will mark you, and hopefully the bad ones will stay in your trail, in the dead skin you leave while you change and grow. You'll be wandering if it as all worth it, and in the end you will realize it was worth it all the while.

Life is like that, unpredictable, but it the end that is all right. I just hope you all have always the time of your life . . . for you, and for your brothers and sisters.