Winterheart ENB Cinematic Edition And Enhanced Lights And FX

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  1. WoodManGamer
    • supporter
    • 101 kudos
    I've actually gone back to playing without it now. It made placed lights a little too bright when combined with ENB for me, very blinding in some places. However, in some dimly lit areas it was very nice. Overall I think better without though when using Winterheart or Wintertide (and probably other ENBs I haven't tried it with any others yet).
  2. Aphelion78
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I use ELFX, with every ENB, lighting addon, etc... it has become a stable for it's simple de-mystifying of what is out of place in this scene. You don't always see it outright but somewhere in your head the scene just isn't right. Unless the masses of Skyrim players suddenly become cinematographers, the likely hood of walking into an instance and simply picking out its lighting based failures is unlikely. HOWEVER, once you see them, by chance or by picture, its hard to re-immerse yourself in the same environment knowing that it isn't quite right. In short: you can't UN-SEE it.
  3. WoodManGamer
    • supporter
    • 101 kudos
    Thank you very much for the kind comments people :-)

    @Linthiel - Ah, I wish I could, but some of the weather changes need some serious testing first, sometimes you have to play "naturally" for a bit to see things as they are in different places and times of day :-)
  4. 83Willow
    • premium
    • 1,139 kudos
    Looks soooo good WMG!
    Fantastic images - especially the first two! <3
  5. bassbil
    • supporter
    • 99 kudos
    It looks amazing WoodMan
  6. Linthiel
    • supporter
    • 20 kudos
    Please release it soon, like today soon!
  7. Sideshow95
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    Very cool!
  8. Lordarion76
    • supporter
    • 124 kudos
    Looks really pretty awesome, great pictures!!!
  9. TairenSoul
    • premium
    • 288 kudos
    I can't wait to use this!! XD