Holding up

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Hey everyone! I set out to do what alot of people dont really do on here which is make something unique and fresh so Here is the new Phalanx Ive been working on for a good week! enjoy!

I usually post more higher resolutions on my flickr, so you if you want to be updated regularly to those just add me as a contact on flickr

Total war Flickr

A Tutorial I made on the basics of how to Take photos with Console


  1. deleted4376559
    • account closed
    • 2 kudos
    Where do I download this formation mod!
    1. ChewieMuse
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Not a mod bro watch the vid to see how I did it lol
  2. ChewieMuse
    • supporter
    • 15 kudos
    How the hell is this picture still getting likes.. Lol

    I dunno how but I like it
  3. Chilliblitz
    • premium
    • 142 kudos
    Quite the setup <img class=">. Well done <img class=">
  4. AmadanBezerk
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    This looks so cool, and actually realistic! Is this a brave "last stand" situation, having occured sometime during the Great War against the Thalmor perhaps? Or against an ambush by Stormcloaks during the current Skyrim Civil War?
    These Imperial Legionaries might be in serious trouble on this field of butchery against the enemy warriors: only these few remaining, it appears like they're out of arrows and pila, and it looks like it's down to just these few with their shields, gladii, and daggers!
    >thundering battle-music ensues<.....
    Quickly endorsed.
    Thank you for this cool "Spartan-Thermopylae"- like scene, Chewie. Cheers!

    Just one minor detail: the snow ought not to be quite so 'white', if you know what I mean....but rather splattered very liberally with blood and entrails.
    As for the lack of enemy corpses in this image, either they must carry off their dead in battle, or these survivors have been retreating for a distance, now....
  5. AmbozZ
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    lol nice, roman style ^^