wip som moooor

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MUCH better than the mask which comes with light chitin helmet!

Though, requires some shaping, I am not sure if I can do that..
Gotta try and hope for the best.


  1. anotherrandomperson
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    Oh thanks for the quick reply! I'm gonna have a look at that tutorial now, because that has been bugging me for ages now xD
  2. deleted1308005
    • account closed
    • 73 kudos
    I made it use different slot:

    Good tutorial related to that.
    Currently it uses slot 55, but I probably need to change it later.
    However, this is quite early wip.

    Plan is/would be that I'd make "fully modular Morag Tong Helmet"
    So, Scarf, some sort of helmet, goggles.
    It's going to be some work, but thus far my progress looks quite good.
  3. anotherrandomperson
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    I was looking for something like this, couldn't find anything so I considered making my own, glad to see I won't have to

    Also, I was gonna go with just leaving out the glasses, leaving the helm intact. But I remembered being unable to find a way to properly make a helm that actually shows the face, so I dropped the idea.
    How'd you get the head to show up with the helmet on?(assuming the scarf still counts as a helmet)
  4. deleted1308005
    • account closed
    • 73 kudos
    The shape is just about perfect, really.

    The face - chin just clips a bit through and that's why it needs moar shapes.