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  1. marknesbit1960
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    oh my goodness!! or should i say goddess?

    her glorious bosom!!
  2. GermLoc
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    guys, i think because of the quality of the mods put out or shown the somewhat relentless badgering most of us, including myself, are guilty of has really jaded her from dealing much with anything else made for the game. i'm sure many of the people interested in these works probably take it a bit too far and become an annoyance, I may be wrong but from reading that last post I, and again, maybe it is just me, understood by reading between the lines slightly that there is too much pestering about privately attempting to be one of the engraciated few that are trusted enough to get access to some of these mods. I hope it is not entirely the case, because I, also have contacted as per an attempt to bartyr in some manner for a mod or two that I've dr00led on myself over. so...I'm sure she'd appreciate it if all of us kinda tone down a bit. sometimes less is more, if we lay off maybe, patience permitting, we will be able to run around in form fitting latex club wear in style just like we see in the pics.....



    <insert> Newmiller: if anyone would probably get that info, i would hope it would be someone like yourself, you are also very generous and do decent work, i'm sure the two of you could probably come out with some really amazing clothes and/or armor mods as a team. quick thank you to you as well, Newmiller for your releases....Salute...
  3. newmiller
    • member
    • 913 kudos
    what is your website? and what is that events that you are aware have problems with finding you... could you pm me it or it is for-testers-only site...
    PS. I suppose elewin tired from messages in which people ask her to publish this outfits
    PPS. Well such result is precisely predictable - people always wants more... One thing which I don't understand - such way of actions as it was in last 3 months is very good advertisement of her site, but I cannot find what is her site.
    PPS. Well such result is precisely predictable - people always wants more... One thing which I don't understand - such way of actions as it was in last 3 months is very good advertisement of her site, but I cannot find what is her site.
    PPPS. It is very interesting situation with so-named 'testers', noone admitted here that he is tester, so it can be possible in 3 cases (or its combination): if no tester wants to have his mail spammed as elewin's was, if they was making some sort of agreement that testers cannot tell anyone that they are testers, and 3rd variant... well I don't want to loose elewin from my friendlist, but my logic says that it is what is advisement for, and elewin doesn't want that it will be written directly. Maybe if write this directly it will break some nexus rules, don't know... Yes she makes awesome outfits, yes I should say 'thank you' for all that she published and help in PM, but when I asked her is it way to become tester the answer was silence, and she never told her site on nexus so... yes, I am on 95% sure that it is that 3rd variant.
    Ok I agree, tell me what this website is, I will tell noone, I promise
    1. Andrewcube22
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      ya id love to know what the webiste is if it will be available to the public
  4. Lordarion76
    • supporter
    • 124 kudos
    Wow, the new v3 body looks pretty awesome! Really impressive and wonderful work!!!
  5. Foaman
    • supporter
    • 87 kudos
    Edit: nvm then..
  6. thelungfishwarrior
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Sure is unfortunate that Elewin has stopped a majority of her mod showcasing on the Nexus, I always liked them. Also unfortunate that some elements of the online community didn't support Elewin's amazing modding achievements. Too bad.
  7. SineWaveDrox
    • premium
    • 80 kudos
    Very nice character! Always a fan of your image uploads!
  8. MARTH1N
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Lucy Stillman of Assassins Creed with red hair ?) ajjajajajaj Can make a follower with this character?
  9. snis
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    could you pm me your website?