Launch Party

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For Script to translate, see the first comment below.

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  1. jefthereaper
    • supporter
    • 35 kudos
    Lol, it was the weekly event of the burning of the king from the bards college, course she did not want to miss it this week she brought her own stuffed dummy king, but learned soon after you dont burn a dummy on a ship... made of wood... with lots of flammable cargo XD
    But at least she got to celebrate this weeks burning of the king! XP
  2. MK1311GER
    • member
    • 20 kudos
    how did you manage to get this one accomplished?
    indeed impressive
    1. Reimar67
      • premium
      • 249 kudos
      Not very impressive when you know how MK.
      As much as possible I try and get the effects and objects from the in game shot rather than photoshopping later (saves time and often looks better than anything I''m capable off anyway.
      So for this shot.... Use Wall of flame spell to set fire to boat (which was already sunk), run back to jetty and throw a pose and take shots - DA-DAH
  3. Bushhog
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    She's unsafe at any distance....
  4. starfis
    • premium
    • 91 kudos
    At least captain had true nordic funeral.
  5. zeroxee
    • supporter
    • 140 kudos
    Should've been possible somehow to block her fireballs out, one way or another >
  6. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 253 kudos
    Never was one to be trusted with fire that idiot elf, so much for sailing the seas on that ship
  7. Reimar67
    • premium
    • 249 kudos
    Script for Translation...
    Image = Launch Party
    Title = They had not had the new boat long
    Lydia = Really! I leave you for a minute to get supplies for the launch party
    IdiotElf = I just thought it would be a good idea to light the barbeque, but I couldn't find the matches, so I...
    Lydia = ... so you used a Fire Ball again didn't you! By the Gods. We're not even insured yet!