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  1. Keigai
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    That first bonus screenshot........omg what a sexy pose and look for the corset.

  2. phoenixdemon
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    Send me a message with the name of your site please! i can't find it?!
    1. phoenixdemon
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      An other question: the animation move only the body and not the armor. but some tbbp armor are moving with the body why?
    2. newmiller
      • member
      • 913 kudos
      i didn't try to create models for tbbp exactly, only for bbp, but think it depends from weight paint of model
  3. newmiller
    • member
    • 913 kudos
    didn't you decide to tell more people about your site?
    and yes, it is great that corset is rigid body, suppose it was hard to do that with breast
  4. drakishar
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    @E , i want access to that
    Always thought that armor shouldn't bounce that much as the body itself.
    Had a go at it with a custom body from bodysliders, but then i realized that tbbp needs some adjustments to allow for Y movement as-well , once they hit the armor they should bounce back .
    It was hard to repaint the body tho .

    Anyway Great work as always .
  5. MisterGibson
    • member
    • 93 kudos
    First thing that came to my mind :
    1. cathayana
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      lol, exactly!
  6. Terrabreakcity
    • member
    • 95 kudos
    o_o *blinks twice*
  7. elewin
    • BANNED
    • 256 kudos
    Well, the *bouncing* motion is controlled by the TBBP animation, which I did not modify for the sake of maximum compatibility for other end users.

    Increasing the weight would only make the breasts appear more rigid, too high and they would appear as solid blocks moving up and down...

    I do need to go back and refine the weight map to make the transitions more fluid, but I'm not sure whether I'd actually alter the hkx...

    PS. There shouldn't be much, if any, downward motion since the corset is rigged as a rigid object, and would *catch* the falling breasts, so to speak.
  8. manshima
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Way too much bouce. Breasts are flesh and have weight - slow to bounce up and plenty of downward motion afterwards. If anything, there would be more side-to-side motion, as the nature motion of the body is that way, not to bouce on ones heels.

    If you can (never messed with boobie physics), try doubling or tripling the weight of each breast.