Alanna at the Dovahkiin trials

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Alanna the lost jedi saga continues....

While using what they called "Whirlwind Sprint", she marveled at how similar it was to the jedi speed run she was taught at the academy during her jedi trials. She was almost sure that the 4 masters that called themselves the grey beards were somehow force sensitive but had a mental block that only allowed them to manipulate it through what they referred to as a Thu'um. She remembered stories in her history class of one of the most famous heads of the order since the old Republic, Master Skywalker, and how he had a similar block about size during his training by Master Yoda.

Now she was being sent off to some old ruin in search of a horn of some long dead hero. A disturbing thought hit her.....if being able to use the Thu'um meant force sensitive....the dragons began to really take on an ominous air....quite a challenge indeed.

1 comment

  1. Spaceritual
    • premium
    • 515 kudos
    nice and an interesting narrative