I like the concept, I've already endorsed all of your witch armor images in the past. Especially the feathered collar looks extremely cool. The one thing I don't like that much is the sleeky look because I prefer cloth on magic-based characters (for which I assume this armor to suit best). That's my personal taste and shall not belittle your amazing work on this so far.
Its so very perfect, I have looked for amour that covers you but is form fitting with a long jacket too.I love the jacket.
I have Levelers towers main armour room filled with your just your armor 3 sets of female so my two main female followers and I can mix and match, and of course one set of all the male stuff for Dagri 'Lon. The all go together so well.
I have Levelers towers main armour room filled with your just your armor 3 sets of female so my two main female followers and I can mix and match, and of course one set of all the male stuff for Dagri 'Lon. The all go together so well.