The Fourth Sensation 14

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The point of this ENB setup is to provide a chill, realistic-esque ENB that tries to maintain the colors from Winterheart while bringing a bit more vibrancy to the game. The colors are somewhat muted but vibrant in their own way. Sunny days are stark and bright with deep shadows in the trees while cloudy days are the easiest to navigate, the light being more diffuse and mysterious. Nights can be impossibly dark but if its clear with both moons out it is nearly as bright as vanilla nights. I may still adjust the nighttime lighting to be a bit brighter, I never liked dark dark nights.

I also will be packaging my private night eye fix for enbs. This fix is obviously tailored to my ENB settings but should be somewhat universal. The contrast needs to be adjusted down but thats an easy fix.

anyways, of all the ENB setups ive tried, this melange is the happiest ive been with it. Both landscape and characters look good, even if decent ambient lighting is a little harder to come by for character shots, not unlike Winterheart.