Fun with Tsun - Featuring Retexture by CaBaL

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  1. deleted1123719
    • account closed
    • 122 kudos
    Damn I love that armor! Awesome showcase!
  2. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    The look of your character is wonderful with the contrast of her blind eyes with her warpaint and lips, she does seem to be having quite a bit of fun standing with Tsun among the shifting steam ^^
  3. brokefoot
    • supporter
    • 477 kudos
    Looks like the male character isn't sure about his outfit. The female seems to having a good time, though LOL.

    Nice layout, FXD !
    1. greyblood
      • supporter
      • 105 kudos
      That heavy black makeup and warpaint looks awesome on her.
      I love this retexture, nice shots!

      Edit: lol didn't mean to reply, just comment!!
    2. faeriexdecay
      • premium
      • 170 kudos
      Tsun's apparently a very serious guy. I'm okay with that, though. He took care of the skeletons, and I amused myself. xD

      And thank you, kind sir. <3

      Edit: Lol, thank you too, greyblood!