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When you spend hours mixing mods together looking for perfection. When you mess your game up several times just to get a taste of flawless gameplay. When you go days on end without sleep or food just so you can see the world of Skyrim the way it should be. When you do all these things, you know what it feels like when you finally get the games visuals the way you want them. And now you find yourself looking at the scenery more than playing the game. We've all been there. We understand.


  1. Halendia
    • supporter
    • 133 kudos
    Modding more than playing... Yes... yes I know this one.
  2. Clouce
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    • 4 kudos
    I have put well over a thousand hours into Skyrim not including the time I have spent downloading and installing mods. Recently I started a "hardcore" play through with no fast travel, basic needs and the frost fall mod. About 40 hours in my game died completely with no ability to recover it... I completely re installed the game and removed all mods and over a 3 day process looked at almost every mod on the nexus and steam workshop.... I downloaded over 230 mods in all. Focusing on realism, extra content and stability. After my first test play through I cut it down to about 170, testing to make sure things worked and played nice together and attempted to avoid redundant mods. I started my new character using the live another life mod, set him up the way I wanted him as far as how he looks, gear and starting stats made a new master save for new games in the future. I am now just over 40 hours in my new game and it has been flawless, the best play through of skyrim I have had yet.
    1. SkyrimSeekaboo
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      • 3 kudos
      I recently got a computer. I didn't know what I was doing the first month of installing mods so my game looked bad, and played even worse. I have taught myself how to install mods properly, and even choose what textures I want out of the 2 major texture packs. I have spent hours combining all the character aesthetic mods to make them work together and I have spent even longer installing lighting mods and trying to make them work together. And don't even get me started on my search for the perfect ENB. It was a long and tiring process and even though this screenie may look bad to some people, it fits my preferences perfectly. Its exactly what I want my game to look like. I'm glad I can finally say that I want to sit down and actually play the game.
    2. Heaventhere
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      • 277 kudos
      I sure understand that comment, I used to watch my son play skyrim for hours on his xbox and wish I could fiqure out how to play, then got mad one day of watching and brought it for pc lol.Have created 10 char at least never happy with how they look or feel, they just didnt fit, never finished the game and really was unhappy with how it looked, felt. then had to go out and buy a pc that could play it the way it is meant to be played and handle the mods to make it feel right. Created Shade and finally found the char who fits me and my playing style. Yes true I still change her a bit now and again with armor mostly, but happy finally with how she looks and my game looks and plays. Some of my friends dont understand the hours invested in creating the game I want to play and some times make fun of my time playing the game. I laugh and say its better then spending my time watching cop shows all weekend like some of them do ( not that anything wrong with cop shows lol...)

      oh dang so sorry for the rant, to be honest what I really want to say is as long as you are happy with your char and your game that is all that matters.

      I think he is great, love his look and the colors, enjoy your game!!! Great screen!!
    3. SkyrimSeekaboo
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Thank you! I'm glad I am not the only one who cares so much about how the game looks. Especially when it comes to characters. I sure wish I could find a cure for my Restartitis though.