Karazhan Raid Exterior WIP 2

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Finishing clutter around building and then enclosing the HeightMap so I can start interiors


  1. FastestDogInTheDistrict
    • premium
    • 143 kudos
    Looking great from the outside!

    (... man, I don't know *how* many times I ran through to the theatre in Kara before Pandaland came out so I could get Wolfslayer Sniper Rifles on my two Hunters! Heh heh! )
  2. donker316
    • member
    • 38 kudos
    This Raid will have Scripted Boss fights. I will try and make the Fights as close to the WoW version as I can. I want to script the Chess event right before you get to Prince, so if anyone has and Idea of how to do that I would be grateful thank you.