New Armor for Tropical Skyrim

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One of the sets of armour I have been working on for Tropical Skyrim. This one will replace the steel armour set.

(there will be a different helmet) The one visible here will be the medium/heavy Imperial helmet


  1. BlueMoth
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Please, have you considered uploading your Tropical Skyrim armours as standalone too? I'd be really interested in downloading just the armours (as non-replacers) since there's also some not so cold areas in Skyrim
  2. vfxninjaeditor
    • supporter
    • 130 kudos
    Dude, TS is looking much better than the first version. Great progress!

    p.s. How did you get the ivy to appear on the mountains?
    1. Soolie
      • supporter
      • 357 kudos
      Thanks, to get the ivy on the mountains I basically just copied and pasted the ivy meshes into the .nif files for the mountains . I've used the same technique for some of the trees where I have placed small plants around the trunk.